Khotwa physiotherapy center
After nine years of turmoil in the northern parts of Syria, especially Idlib governorate, with continued bombing, lack of public services and militia activities, a high percentage of civilians were directly affected by these activities, injured and left without treatment. This has left a large number of people, including the elderly and the most vulnerable children, with physical disabilities that require regular attention.
Originally, Atma was a small village belonging to the Harem district of Idlib near the Turkish border with a population of about 5,000. Due to the large displacement of Syrian families from other cities and towns, Atmeh has become a large town with a population of more than 90,000 people surrounded by the largest concentration of camps in Idlib with a population of more than 300,000 people.
Many local and international NGOs are working in Atma to serve a large number of displaced people in the area, and many public health care centers and mental health centers have been operating in Atma, including physiotherapy centres.
Many health service centers, including physiotherapy centers, have been closed.
Some physiotherapists among the staff of closed physiotherapy centers decided to set up a new physiotherapy center and operate it voluntarily with limited resources.
Because of the importance of these projects, we decided in the Preservation of Grace Organization to support and operate this center to keep it going and not to close it.
The center started accepting patients as of July 1, 2021. Each patient goes through multiple treatment sessions, and the center currently has physiotherapists.
The center has the capacity to handle 30 to 40 treatment sessions per day with an average of three sessions per patient.
The number of beneficiaries of the project until 2022 AD has reached 550, with an average of 4,848 treatment sessions.