After ten years of turmoil in the northern parts of Syria, especially Idlib governorate, with continued bombing, lack of public services and militia activities, a high percentage of civilians were directly affected by these activities, injured and left without treatment. This has left a large number of people, including the elderly and the most vulnerable children, with physical disabilities that require regular attention.

Although the original population of the village of Kafr Lusin is about a thousand, the current population of the village is about 75,000, most of whom are displaced people living in camps scattered throughout the village. Our assessments show that among this population, there are many with physical disabilities who are in dire need of regular physical therapy.

Based on this need, the Taiba Center for Physical Therapy was launched by volunteer physiotherapy specialists in the village of Kafr Lusin, the first center of its kind in the region.

The center is equipped with all the necessary tools to provide physical therapy, and the center provides its services free of charge to all patients.

The Preservation of Grace Association, with its partners in the GRT organization, has taken care of the expenses of operating this center and providing the necessary matters and tools for the center to continue to operate.

The number of beneficiaries of the project until 2022 AD has reached 1,690, with an average of 15,420 treatment sessions.