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+90 538 712 79 48




Antakya Hatay

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Your generous donation is the key to their survival, it will put cold water on a food table, baskets of healthy and desirable foodstuffs, and other helpful methods.

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Fund raises are used to achieve the necessary objectives in our campaigns, be able to respond to emergency situations and fulfill our association's purpose and vision in helping the poor and keep them prideful.

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Voluntary work and happiness are two sides of the same coin, in voluntary work you feel more productive, develop, and advance in life and in happiness, the calmness and satisfaction will help you accomplish more.

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We are on a mission to help the helpless

We aim to aid the poor and indigent around the globe and the Syrian immigrants specifically, we work in numerous humanitarian work sectors which is going to benefit them even more and we have partnerships with various international and domestic associations.

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Preservation of grace association's projects

Our association accomplished numerous projects that had an evident and apparent effect on the people who benefited from it, which resulted in the opening of a free clothing store that welcomes families in need everyday.

For relief and development

Preservation of grace association is a charity group that is interested in relief and educational projects for immigrants in Turkey and the poor in Syria.
12 m+
Children rescued
2450 +
Total volunteers
70458 +
Ongoing campaigns
150 +
Total countries

Join the community to give education for children

Healthy Food

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Clean Water

Lorem ipsum is simply free text available amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. There are not many passages of ipsum. Donate

Medical Treatment

Lorem ipsum is simply free text available amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. There are not many passages of ipsum. Donate

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Together We Can Make A Difference

We’re Helping Today. Helping Tommorow

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    Help them whenever they are in need

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    There are many variations of but the majority have simply free text suffered.

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    There are many variations of but the majority have simply free text suffered.

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    There are many variations of but the majority have simply free text suffered.